Lunch Conference with François Hollande - November 7th, 2023 – The Merode


Dear Alumni and Friends of Harvard,


We are delighted to invite you to a lunch conference organized in collaboration with The Merode club in Brussels with former French President François Hollande who will share his analysis of the current international affairs to help us understand the new geopolitical order.


For five years, François Hollande has been leading the way in French politics. Throughout the challenges he has encountered, he has engaged with both France's allies and its opponents.


Having been a first-hand observer who transitioned into a key decision-maker, François Hollande delivers in his latest essay, Bouleversements, an analysis on the new geopolitical order: “In 2022, war has returned to Europe. Russia's invasion of Ukraine reveals that over the last decade the world has undergone a transformation that has upset balances, overturned hierarchies, and exposed to major dangers for the planet: health, climate, security and politics. Democracies are being put to the test. Internally by populists, externally by the return of empires. Europe now faces its destiny: to be a power or a nostalgia.


The former French President will deliver over an exclusive lunch his enlightened diagnosis, proposing a course of action in the face of this new geopolitical order. Mr. Hollande will speak in French.


The event will take place on:

Tuesday, November 7th, 2023, at 12:00 (doors will be closed at 12:15)

at The Merode

Place Poelaert 6, 1000 Brussels


The conference will be followed by a book signing session of Bouleversements: Pour comprendre la nouvelle donne mondiale, François Hollande (Stock, 2022).


If you would like to attend, please confirm your participation before Monday, October 30th, 2023, via this link.


Participation for this event will be €100 for members and €150 for non-members (guests and non-member alumni). Seats will be limited to 30 participants (registration will be on a first come first served basis). As always, we do not reimburse in case of cancellation after the deadline above.


We look forward to welcoming you at this event.




Jens Van Nieuwenborgh

Benjamin Van Oudenhove